Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bad Timing for Blackberry Failure

The past three days have marked troubled times for Research in Motion Blackberry services. Millions of frustrated users were not getting the messages and creating a large backload of data. This backload is now being processed and delivered.
This is a bad time, especially as apple will debut their new iPhone 4S in retail stores this friday. This little slip up in the Blackberry system, could cause even more customers to make the essential switch to the iPhone. Bad timing indeed.;_ylt=AmVku4SrXS3.8npxNTSQTMC7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE2MHJpbGs3BHBvcwMxMARzZWMDdG9wU3RvcmllcwRzbGsDYmxhY2tiZXJyeW91?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=7&asset=&ccode=

iPhone 4S, apple's brilliance? or a letdown?

I had previously blogged about how I felt that Apple launching the iPhone 4S was a let down, especially after all the speculation of the iPhone 5. But, as one article I recently read tells us, it may have been Apple's plan all along.
Yesterday on Yahoo! Finance I read a very interesting article that depicted why Apple decided to launch a product like the 4S instead of a dramatic upgrade like the predicted iPhone 5.

"The thinking is that most iPhone 4 owners are still bound by the 2-year contracts they had to enter into when they bought the iPhone 4, so they'll be less likely to now upgrade anyway (barring carriers waving those contracts, which they might have if Apple had released the "5").
So the 4S isn't aimed at these folks. It's aimed at the other three categories of iPhone 4S buyers:
  • Pre-iPhone 4 iPhone users (~70 million of them)
  • Non-smartphone users (1+ billion, who can now get a 3GS for free, if price is an issue)
  • Non-iPhone smartphone users (Blackberry, AndroidNokia)

Interesting thought, maybe they meant to let us iPhone 4 users down after all.....

Article Link:;_ylt=Am3OZylGoMWoXelVT6bQniO7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTFjZWVqc2luBHBvcwMzBHNlYwNGUERhaWx5VGlja2VyQmxvZwRzbGsDd2h5YXBwbGVsYXVu

Sunday, October 9, 2011

How Safe is Your Info???

In my few years investing online, I have always felt as if my bank info,  contact info, and personal info was all very safe within whatever website or companies online servers.
However, investors with one of the largest online brokerages in the world can no longer feel perfectly safe.
TD Ameritrade, an Omaha Nebraska based online brokerage allowed for the theft of over 6 million investors contact information in 2007.
According to the federal case, Anyone who held an Ameritrade account prior to september 2007 could have been affected by the data theft.
This is quite troubling, of all web based companies on the web, you'd think that a online brokerage could protect it's customers information strongly. But in this case, it seems as though they were not protecting it well enough.
People who suffered the identity theft can collect between $50 and $2,500 in settlement money, and this will cost the company about $2.5 Million- $6.5 Million.
This really makes me worried, my credit card and valuable information is stored in many different websites and servers such as iTunes, amazon, my bank's website, and my brokerage account website.
With the large company of TD Ameritrade allowing this type of theft makes me wonder.... How safe are these other sites in protection my person information???

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Future of the Smartphone?

Apple's iPhone 4S is being released next week and come equipped with Apple's latest innovation. "SIRI"
Siri takes the voice control feature of many smartphones to a whole new level. It is essentially your personal assistant in your iPhone.
Siri lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls, and More!
To me: this seems like a great solution for texting and driving. This seems to be the nicest thing about Siri, i would love to be able to simply say "send _____ a text, saying _________. " it would give my thumbs a break. Watch the video on the page below, it may blow your mind.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 2 The Real Disappointment

This evening, as I emerged from the mens room in the University I call home to begin my walk down the short hallway to a class where I attempt to pay attention to the wonderful world of fixed income investments, I gazed upon one of the beautiful, almost to large, television sets at the forefront of the business school.
This TV was displaying CNN, and the headline across the bottom caught my eye, "Apple says : Steve Jobs has died" it read in huge bold letters across the bottom of the screen.
This caught my eye because I have been such a fan of jobs work, and apparently so have millions upon millions of other mac junkies.
This man has provided me with the technology that i know and love today, and for that he will be sorely missed, even by people who only knew him as the genius behind apple computers.
Steve Jobs was a trendsetter, to say the least, and he was, and still is, THE MAN!

Day 1 of Disappointment

Yesterday, the long awaited release of the iPhone 5 was a flop.
However, iPhone 4s was the forefront announcement from current apple CEO Tim Cook.
With 2x speed upgrade, but a similar style and look to the iPhone 4, the 4s is the same on the outside, different on the inside.
Being released next week, the 4s holds power that no phone has seen before "SIRI" (is depicted below)
this is a sort of assistant program that is just that, you're assistant. very interesting.
But like many other apple enthusiasts, I am going to hold off on the 4S for now, and just accept the new iOS operating system "ios5" as a good enough upgrade for me. Sorry Tim Cook, but in your first product debut, you sort of disappoint.

Monday, October 3, 2011


So tomorrow (October 4) is the big day.
Newly appointed Apple CEO Tim Cook is scheduled to make an appearance to reveal the new iPhone, or iPhones.
What do the users want to see?
I found an interesting article on about 20 features that consumers would like to see in the next addition of the super phone from Apple.
Everything from an HDMI port, which would be amazing (but probably not to likely given apple's track record) To 4g capability, to a larger screen, which is more likely, is discussed. It also gives a "percentage chance of implementation". Check it out at:;page

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dear Mark Zuckerberg, it's about time...

I have had an IPAD for about a year and like many people I was unbelievably surprised to when i got it to not find an application for the biggest social network in the world.
Facebook has never had an iPad app. There are many apps that attempt to create Facebook experience, like "friendly" or "friended", but never one from the brain of mr zuck himself.
Apparently this is changing... and with ios5 it is allegedly coming. I speak for many people when i say, it is about freekin' time.

Will YOU switch to the cloud?

Throughout the past few weeks I have done a significant amount of investigating different aspects of cloud computing. Cases about business cloud computing, and though about the implications of converting a business to cloud based computers.
But this fall Apple inc will allow every user to take their computing and mobile experience to new levels, levels that reach the clouds!
"iCloud stores your music, photos, apps, calendars, documents, and more. And wirelessly pushes them to all your devices - automatically. It is the easiest way to manage your content, because now you don't have to."
This does sound intriguing.
Will this make me use my iPad more? I never use it for anything productive because it is a pain to transfer things to it. will this be a revelation?
how secure will my content be?
needless to say, i have some questions.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

IPAD Killer.... Riiiight.

Its so hot, they call it "Fire", and they're hoping its gonna burn the iPad right out of the lead in the tablet market. 
It's here, the Kindle Fire. 
It's pretty neat looking, 7-inch tablet looks a lot like an iPad thats been shrunken a bit. 
With 8gb of storage and 512MB of memory, it may try to compete with the iPad. 
AND at $199, it very well may have a chance....

Apple Makes it Official

Yesterday they made it official. Apple sent out invitations to the press for a october 4th iPhone event. This had already been reported by many websites, but has actually become official. 

As you can see there is a calendar logo with the date of the 4th appearing. The clock logo with 10:00 showing. The map logo with its normal Cupertino Apple location showing. This all makes sense being that the event is october 4th, 10am, in cupertino. But whats with the number 1 showing in the phone logo? this normally stands for having a new voicemail, or a missed call?
Could this be a precursor to what is to come?
There is much speculation about the possible release of 2 different models of iPhones this fall, one being the 4s and the other the iPhone 5. 
Is this "1" a notification that maybe they will only be releasing 1 new phone???
and what about the iPod?
Normally apple update the iPod around the time of the new iPhone, usually carrying similar technology in each. 
One can only wait and see.....

Normally on their invitation they give subtle clues as what may be discussed. The invitation bears this logo. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A tablet from the AMAZON?

There is a new iPad competitor.
and its from amazon, and it ain't no kindle.
Amazon is said to be announcing a new tablet on september 28th.
"The interface is all Amazon and Kindle. It’s black, dark blue, and a bunch of orange. The main screen is a carousel that looks like Cover Flow in iTunes which displays all the content you have on the device. This includes books, apps, movies, etc."

The simplicity of the kindle is what keeps it moving, this scaled down tablet may see the light of day! that is of course.... depending on the price. 


The day has come, well not yet, but its coming.
A report has surfaced that Apple Inc is denying employees vacation time during the second week of october.
Now any fool would know that something is going on.
With an announcement pending on october 4, new iPhones said to be on the agenda, and now employees not getting vacation during the second week of October?

You guessed it. I'd say its safe to say the new iPhone, or iPhones will be released that week. FINALLY!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Google Wallet?

This week google launched their version of the wallet. As you may have guessed, its not made out of leather, and it doesn't fold up and go in your pocket. Well I guess it COULD go in your pocket, but in reality it is in a phone, that is in your pocket. If that even makes sense.
Google and MasterCard teamed up to deliver the google wallet. A digital wallet that allows you to charge your master card through a chip in certain Google smartphones. This may be the first of it's kind, but surely won't be for long.
Hello, Tim Cook? Apple? Steve Jobs? Can I get a rebuttal?

Iphone 4s? Iphone 5? Both?

The tech sites are buzzing constantly lately with news, quotes, and analysts weighing in on what the new iPhone will bring. Apple, said to be holding a presentation by Tim Cook on October 4th is almost certainly going to debut some kind of iPhone. For the past two years Apple has introduced an iPhone in the late summer/early fall months just in time for the holiday season, and just in time for those apple enthusiasts to shell out a couple hundred bucks for an upgrade to a newly designed iPhone. Over 70% of apples iPhone 4 sales in the first month came from upgrades to new products.
But what does this one bring? Some say a completely redesigned iPhone 5!
Some say a redesigned "iPhone 4s"

the iPhone 4s will see little change to the look and feel of the phone, but will allegedly feature the a5 processor that is used in the iPad 2, making the phone run much faster.
the questionable iPhone 5 is said to sport a bigger screen, different look, and a5 chip.
Which one is released could have a serious effect, me personally I would not consider upgrading from the iPhone 4 unless there was a significant change. You be the judge, the 4s doesn't do it for me.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Forget Gold and T-bills, Apple May Be the New Safe Haven

As indexes and stocks slumped again today to red numbers, Apple continues to surge.
AAPL has surged on an has reached its highest stock price ever of over $410.
How has Apple done it? keeping their stock growing while the rest of the market is going up and down?
"They own the tablet market, they own the phone market, And they've got all the cash." says Pete Najarian. A Fast Money trader at CNBC.
Apple looks as a sort of safe haven as other stocks plunge and indexes record red number, apple keeps flourishing.... What might happen when apple hits the TV market? $500 per share?
I think its possible, and so does JP Morgan, who currently has a price target at $500 for the stock. 
Apple                                                                    S& P

Sunday, September 18, 2011


In response to my last post, Apple is set to enter the TV market by the holiday season in 2012. This gives its tv competitors to try and brace for the apple attack on the TV market.
The TV market is still the largest media producer in the world. Kids 18-24 watch about 3.5 hrs of tv per day, spend about 40 minutes on the web, and about 20 minutes on mobile phone. This is a great market for apple to enter in.
When thinking if the MAC geeks that you see in every coffee house across the united states, to the normal consumer that seeks a nice television, i think that it will be a good market for apple to enter.
The sheer loyalty of Apple consumers should be enough to enter in the TV market alone.
The following table provides and interesting stat:

That is brand loyalty at its finest. The iPhone 4 was apples most successful product launch, and 77% of the iPhones sold in the first month were upgrades from other iPhones.
People who like apple stuff, which is almost everyone who's tried it, will either want one, or actually buy an Apple television. Mark my words.

The REAL Apple TV.... Coming Soon?

The latest news and rumors from Apple Inc. state that there are many indications that apple is planning on entering into the Television market. Apple is rumored to be producing TV sets and may be seen as soon as 2012. Apple has a product already called "apple TV" which basically consists of iTunes in a box, that provides access to movies, tv shows, and other online content. 
This has already shaken the landscape of cable television and the thought of 100% on-demand programming. 
But what could the addition of an apple television set mean for the tv industry. In one article i read an opinion that "apple will do to the television manufacturers what it did to phone makers with the iPhone." in that sense, apple will probably take over the television industry and change it forever. 

So here is my question. With apple being the power within computers these days, would you also trust them to buy a television?
My answer: YESSS!! If a new apple television will work seamlessly with my other apple devices the way my iPhone, iPad, and Macbook work together, i wouldn't think twice about my next tv set having an apple logo. Even if it means paying a premium price. In my past experience, no matter the product, the more money is worth it for an apple product. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg's quest for world power.

Mark Zuckerberg was a computer programmer that invented a little thing called Facebook. Mark is viewed as an icon in the technology world. He is working on making his name in the financial world too. Earlier this year Zuckerberg accepted a small investment from this little investment company called Goldman Sachs. Goldman dumped 450 million into this little thing called Facebook.
Next year Mark Zuckerberg is going to somehow get richer than he already is.
Facebook is going public next year. Since now Facebook nemesis Google went public in 2004, investors have seen a 500% return. Pretty good if I do say so myself.
Mark Zuckerberg is a lucky guy, seems like a bit of a jerk, but I do not blame him.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reasons to Switch to a mac

The latest computer craze is that of the Mac OSX. I am seeing more and more of them around. I have heard countless people say that they like their pc, because they know how to use it, and it works with everything they've needed to do. Well it's my opinion that these people are simply uninformed, and apple-less. Many of the people who I have once heard this non-sense from, now own a mac, and they have totally changed their outlook on computing.

I have preached and preached about mac computers and how they are worth the extra money, but i recently found an article that was interesting that described "8 financial reasons to use Mac OS". They are as follows:

1. Macs bring better overall value proposition.
2. Mac liscensing fees are cheaper
3. Mac desktop spawns fewer calls to the help desk. - (or none! I have had a mac computer for 6 years and haven't taken it to be repaired once!)
4. Mac users are more productive
5. Macs last longer
6. Mac OS is more secure
7. Mac is just as cost-effective as windows to administer and manage
8. Add Macs while hanging on to your investments in other OSes

Don't agree? read the article yourself for the explanations

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mac Computers in the business world, Wishful thinking?

Within the finance industry, and many other industries, there is very little use of Mac operating system and Apple hardware. In this, the first installment of a series of blogs, I will try to depict the reasons that Mac's are not as prevalent in the workplace as PCs.
1. Mac is proprietary - No one else can make them, they are made by one company, and serviced by one company, Apple.
2. Relatively new - Many corporations would need an absolute IT overhaul to switch to the Apple computers, this could be extremely costly.
3. Hardware costs more - Apple computers are very expensive as compared to PCs
4. Financial information systems tend to run on PC. Therefore most financial software is not optimized for MAC OS

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Netflix: a disruptive technology, being disrupted.

Netflix has the reputation of being the blockbuster killer. Netflix allows people to view movies and tv shows on demand or by dvd through the mail at any time through a monthly charge. This has said to be the killer of the brick a mortar video rental store. But how long will it last?

I am a former member of Netflix, for a few reasons. Mainly, I do not feel that it is worth the money for the selection they offer. Many of the movies on Netflix for immediate online viewing are very limited and somewhat dated. As an avid movie watcher, I normally like to see movies as soon as they are released on dvd, Netflix does not have the movies immediately, there is somewhat of a delay before they become available on the menu. This is somewhat frustrating in that they rarely had what i was wanting to watch.

Another main reason is the development of digital cable. I already pay a cable fee, and have Comcast on demand. On demand does more than Netflix ever did, and it conveniently is located right on my cable box, and attaches fees to my cable bill and offers many free programs. On demand technology through my digital cable box has killed my Netflix subscription. This is a perfect example of what i like to call the technology food chain. Netflix kills blockbuster, and soon I believe OnDemand will kill Netflix.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tech innovation - cutting costs one place, hurting an industry elsewhere

A key factor for many organizations today is to identify how technology can best integrate with key business processes. Many businesses are cutting costs by using a somewhat new technology. 
In going on with disruptive technology, I bring to you, the disruption of videoconferencing. With technological innovations making the world much more tight knit. Great phone connections and e-mail have made it easier to do business in multiple places at one time. 
However, It is said that 93% of communication between people is determined by non-verbal cues such as tone of voice and body language. Telephone calls and e-mails cannot capture this, but videoconferencing can. 
Videoconferencing is eliminating the need for expensive business trips for employees, allowing them to be in multiple places at one time. Not only does it cut costs, it also is more efficient in that employees are not using time to travel. This may seem good for some, but not for others. Airlines are feeling the effects. Technological innovation has disrupted the business traveler market. Although nothing will totally replace and in-person meeting, things like videoconferencing are attempting to mimic it. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Disruptive Technology - Job Killers

In my study of technology that is disrupting industries, I noticed that most of the hype is about the way that technology is killing jobs. 
With all the havoc in the financial markets, and the serious implications of the unemployment rate, it seems it all may stem from the increase in technology. 

Just today, I hit and found this article that relates exactly to what I have been reporting on all week. Technology killing jobs.

"New technologies are wreaking havoc on employment figures -- from EZpasses ousting toll collectors to Google-controlled self-driving automobiles rendering taxicab drivers obsolete. Every new computer program is basically doing some task that a person used to do. But the computer usually does it faster, more accurately, for less money, and without any health insurance costs."
People are so worried about jobs, yet technology is killing them.
Within the business world companies are constantly trying to find ways to cut costs to raise earnings. Technology can help with that, eliminating employee salaries and replacing them with machines. But this in turn drives the unemployment number up., Hurting markets as a whole. So since the company is making more money, the rich executives are getting richer, whereas the people at the bottom are getting replaced by machines and losing their salary. This stems the biggest question of all, is technology advancement hurting the U.S. economy? Indirectly... It may be....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cell Phone Tech - How Much is to Much?

Over the past ten years or so, we have seen dramatic technology changes in the way people use their cell phones. I remember getting my first cell phone and being able to do one thing, make calls. Shortly thereafter texting became the hottest new thing.
Now because i own an iPhone, i can do everything from shopping online, using a gps, playing music, pay for my starbucks coffee, to controlling my computer all from my simple little cellular telephone. However, when is enough enough?
Many people (like my mother) prefer not to have a phone like this. Both of my sisters, their husbands, and my father have the iPhone, and love it. My mom had it at one point, but then decided she did not want it anymore. She said it was because she just simply didn't need it, and it was too complicated to use, and she couldn't type using the touchscreen. Very interesting in that she went from the hottest piece of cellular technology, back to a simple little flip phone because it was all she needed.
My father, hated the iPhone when he first got it, not because it was hard to use, or because it was to weird to type on a touchscreen, but it was simply it made him to connected. He says he leaves it at home half of the time while he's not at work because he hates being able to see his work e-mail on the iPhone while he's say... on the golf course. He told me "there are sometimes i just do not want to be checking my e-mail, and sometimes i don't want the iPhone to check my e-mail either.
Is this just a thing of the past? Do older people who did not grow up with this technology prefer not to have it? It is interesting to me because if i do not have my phone with my, i feel like i am missing something. I like to be able to google something when I'm arguing over some dumb fact, or to be able to check the weather at a click of the finger. But some do not.
With all the new technology coming out in cell phones, things like projectors out of the sides of them, 3D  screens, and other ridiculous trends, it raises a question to me. How much is to much? Will there be a day where the cell phone is basically done getting add-on treatment? Or will there be one day where people like my mother won't be able to have just a simple flip phone? We will see. But as for now, some of this technology going into smartphones seems just excessive.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Online Banking - "How convenient is to convenient?"

In present day, the internet has changed many aspects of our economy and world, making most things more convenient and easier to accomplish. This is especially true in the banking industry. Remember the days when to pay a bill you had to write a check and send it in the mail? Or to deposit your check from work you would have to hit the bank drive through on your way home on a payday, and wait in a terribly long line because everyone else was doing the same thing?
These days are over, nowadays most employers love direct deposit, and most employees do to. I know I love direct deposit because it is so terribly easy, and so quick and efficient.
But what effect do these things have on the banking industry? There is now a much less need for bank tellers, because most people use direct deposit and online banking for all of their banking needs.
I am a fan of online banking, but not everyone is. I have a friend who prides himself on getting his check from his job, driving to the bank, and depositing it himself rather than signing up for direct deposit. He claims it makes him feel like he really made the money, rather than just seeing a larger number in your account page on a screen. In essence i understand this. Even things like debit cards can have a similar effect. I feel that when I use a debit card it is barely even money, it is just a number on the screen. "debit and forget it" is a popular saying used to depict the way that a debit card transaction feels impersonal and like you are barely spending the money at all. I feel that when i have cash in my wallet and am going to hand fork it over for something, I think hard about if I really need it. Whereas my debit card and online transactions just changed the number on the screen.
Online banking is the new trend, it makes it even easier to spend and move your money. But is it really a good thing for consumers? Seeing as though it makes it even easier for people to spend and not save? You be the judge. Personally, I like the convenience.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Trying to Make a Dollar Out of 15 Cents : Online Investing

When watching TV( which I tend to do more than I normally would admit) there are certain advertisements that tend to stick out. Whether its Apple's simple yet stunning commercials, to IBM's "I'm an IBMer" commercials, the technology companies are tearing up the cable marketplace. Even when it comes to finance.

Behold, The E-trade baby.

Everyone knows him, everyone loves him. The e-trade baby has kids who don't even know what an online brokerage is talking about e-trade. Brilliant

Online brokerages are a huge trend. Because of the capability of online brokerages, technology has once again changed the landscape of an entire industry; Investments. The eruption of online brokerages out there have reduced the need for stock brokers overall and also given less personal aspect to investing with a broker. Although all online trades are approved by a broker, there is no real contact between the client and broker.

The thought is great, I can manage my money myself through an online brokerage on my laptop, tablet, or phone, make millions, retire early, move to florida, and play golf everyday. This is just what they want you to think. E-trade, Scottrade, Charles Schwab, and TD Ameritrade are all broadcasting commercials telling you about how cheap their trades are, how accurate and recent their data is, and how easy it is to work for even the casual investor. They tend to leave a few things out.

People may spend their time reading Yahoo Finance, and watching CNBC to get their stock picks to type into their e-trade account, and in a perfect world, every investment grows. But that is hardly true, by the time that information get to CNBC, or Yahoo, it is public information. Large brokerages probably knew this hours if not days before you did. Because the market is so dominated by these large brokerage houses, it makes it tough for a small guy investor to make a dollar out of 15 cents, or even a dollar out of 99 cents.

Buy low sell high, basically the bare bones of any business. For one person to make money investing, another must lose money, and with about 60% of all market trades being done by computers in brokerage houses with no personal interaction, it is tough for a small person to make anything trading simple stocks on a e-trade account.

Technology has made it easier and more convenient to invest, but it also has made it a bit riskier.
The following link contains a real-life version of an e-trade commercial. Check it out, and invest wisely.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tablet Computing Takeover? Financial Services Companies Love iPads.

2010 Marked the year of the tablet. Or realistically, the year of the Ipad. Tablet computing is the new fad in technology and seems to be taking the industry by storm. Almost everywhere I go I see people on their Ipad's, utilizing them in different ways. As a Ipad owner, and admitted Apple enthusiast, i can see why they are so popular.
I recently took a trip to my hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan to spend a week with my family and relax. I saw tablet computers everywhere. I went to get my haircut and their computer system was run completely through ipads, even on their checkout counter they had an ipad attached to a keyboard. My long-time friend from high school has his ipad mounted in his car. Working in real estate he uses it to pull up housing listing information for customers while he drives (not safe). Another friend of mine uses an ipad to replace his old college laptop, that has seen better days. I even saw a mother sit down in the airport with a small child, give the little boy her ipad, and watched him go to town on a game for about an hour, giving his mother a much needed break.
Ipads are everywhere, especially in the business world. As a finance major, I was quite interested in a couple articles I read about how the financial world has been one of the quickest industries to adapt and to utilize the tablet computing craze that has swept the technology world. Tablets give financial professionals direct contact to data in an extremely convenient way.
This article depicts the adoption of the ipad in the financial services industry.
The future of tablet computing looks extremely great. Some say the possibilities are endless. However, i am a firm believer that the tablet style device will never replace my laptop or normal computer. As an ipad owner, I do value the device and think it is quite fun to use. However, I do find it to be a bit of a novelty item, almost everything I do on the Ipad i could do on my Iphone, which is much smaller, or my laptop computer, which in many cases is much easier and faster to use. For instance, i could be writing this blog on my ipad, but I wouldn't do that, because it is easier on my laptop.
Ipads and tablets are great tools and toys, but are not essential.