Sunday, October 9, 2011

How Safe is Your Info???

In my few years investing online, I have always felt as if my bank info,  contact info, and personal info was all very safe within whatever website or companies online servers.
However, investors with one of the largest online brokerages in the world can no longer feel perfectly safe.
TD Ameritrade, an Omaha Nebraska based online brokerage allowed for the theft of over 6 million investors contact information in 2007.
According to the federal case, Anyone who held an Ameritrade account prior to september 2007 could have been affected by the data theft.
This is quite troubling, of all web based companies on the web, you'd think that a online brokerage could protect it's customers information strongly. But in this case, it seems as though they were not protecting it well enough.
People who suffered the identity theft can collect between $50 and $2,500 in settlement money, and this will cost the company about $2.5 Million- $6.5 Million.
This really makes me worried, my credit card and valuable information is stored in many different websites and servers such as iTunes, amazon, my bank's website, and my brokerage account website.
With the large company of TD Ameritrade allowing this type of theft makes me wonder.... How safe are these other sites in protection my person information???

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