Wednesday, October 12, 2011

iPhone 4S, apple's brilliance? or a letdown?

I had previously blogged about how I felt that Apple launching the iPhone 4S was a let down, especially after all the speculation of the iPhone 5. But, as one article I recently read tells us, it may have been Apple's plan all along.
Yesterday on Yahoo! Finance I read a very interesting article that depicted why Apple decided to launch a product like the 4S instead of a dramatic upgrade like the predicted iPhone 5.

"The thinking is that most iPhone 4 owners are still bound by the 2-year contracts they had to enter into when they bought the iPhone 4, so they'll be less likely to now upgrade anyway (barring carriers waving those contracts, which they might have if Apple had released the "5").
So the 4S isn't aimed at these folks. It's aimed at the other three categories of iPhone 4S buyers:
  • Pre-iPhone 4 iPhone users (~70 million of them)
  • Non-smartphone users (1+ billion, who can now get a 3GS for free, if price is an issue)
  • Non-iPhone smartphone users (Blackberry, AndroidNokia)

Interesting thought, maybe they meant to let us iPhone 4 users down after all.....

Article Link:;_ylt=Am3OZylGoMWoXelVT6bQniO7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTFjZWVqc2luBHBvcwMzBHNlYwNGUERhaWx5VGlja2VyQmxvZwRzbGsDd2h5YXBwbGVsYXVu

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